Monday, May 15, 2017

Car Dealerships Offered Several Services

Over the past two weeks Picturing the Past has looked at two of Transylvania’s automobile dealerships.  Whitmire Motor operated in the 1920s and McCrary Auto from the early 1930s through the mid-1990s.  Throughout the 1900s there were numerous automotive shops that sold both new and used automobiles and provided repair services.

In addition to McCrary Auto, three of the longest operating new car dealerships were Duckworth (later Duckworth-Lyda, then Lyda-McCrary) Motor Company, Hayes Motor Company, and Goodwill Motor Company.

Duckworth Motor Company, 1938.
Walter Duckworth had worked at Duckworth Drug prior to serving in the Naval Corps during WWI.  He became the local Ford dealer and opened Duckworth Motor Company in the late 1930s.  Few Lyda had worked for Ecusta for many years but got tired of the travel associated with his position.  In 1958 Lyda jumped at the opportunity to join his uncle in the automotive business and became a partner with Duckworth.  Walter Duckworth retired two years later, selling his share of the business to Jud McCrary.  McCrary, a mechanic, had been the Parts Manager at McCrary Auto.  Lyda-McCrary Ford was located across Broad Street from the original Duckworth Motor Company at the Appletree Street intersection.  They closed in 1978.

Inside Hayes Motor Company, 1960.

Freeman Hayes had owned and operated Hayes Motor Company for many years when he ran for and was elected sheriff of Transylvania County in 1942.  As sheriff he was paid $260 per month.  From his pay Hayes had to pay a full-time deputy and for operating expenses.  He also had to furnish his own vehicle.  In December 1944 Hayes resigned as sheriff because of the low pay for the office and to devote more time to his automotive business.  He continued to operate the business until 1974. 

Goodwill Motor Company, 1951.

On December 30, 1944 W.L. Baughan and Vernon Frick joined into partnership with W.C. Burrell in his automobile business and repair shop located across N. Broad Street from the present Transylvania County Library.  In November 1948 Frick sold his share to Baughan.  Burrell and Baughan then incorporated the business as Goodwill Motor Company.    Frick built a new building and opened a Buick dealership beside Goodwill Motors in June 1949.  Frick later purchased Goodwill Motors as well.  When Frick retired, due to health reasons, he sold the business to three of his employees.  Goodwill Motor Company closed in 1985.

In addition to selling new cars, all three dealerships sold used cars, had service, repair and body shops, painted cars, and operated a full service filling station.

Photographs and information for this column are provided by the Rowell Bosse North Carolina Room, Transylvania County Library.  Visit the NC Room during regular library hours (Monday-Friday) to learn more about our history and see additional photographs.  For more information, comments or suggestions contact Marcy at or 828-884-1820.

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