Monday, June 4, 2018

Historical Perspective of Hogback Township

Hogback is one of eight townships in Transylvania County.  It covers approximately 60 square miles in the southwestern potion of the county.  The area is bordered by Jackson County to the west and Oconee County, South Carolina to the south. 

According to Mrs. H.D. Lee, who compiled a brief history of Hogback for Transylvania County’s Centennial in 1961, the first permanent settlers came into the area from South Carolina in the 1840s.  They called the area Hogback because Mount Toxaway reminded them of Hogback Mountain in Greenville County.  The 1870 federal census lists just 46 households with 113 male and 129 female residents in the entire township.

Settlements in the rugged mountainous area included the Bohaney section west of the Thompson River and the Auger Hole are located between the Horsepasture and Toxaway rivers.  

Henry Scadin was an early photographer in the Hogback region.
Although the family is unidentified this Scadin photo labeled
"A Mountain Home" is representative of the settlers throughout the area.
The people who made their homes here were hardy and self-sufficient.  They hunted, fished, raised hogs, and farmed.  They grew squash, corn, and other vegetables.  Fruit trees, mainly apple and peach, were grown.  In the low areas along the Toxaway River sugar cane was raised.  However, hauling fresh crops to market was nearly impossible so sugar cane became molasses, apples and peaches were turned into brandy, and corn made into moonshine.  In addition to being easier to transport these products had a higher cash value. 

Early residents gather galax, ginseng, and mountain laurel and collected honey from bee gums to sell.  There were also some small mining operations in the area, chiefly for lead, corundum, mica, clay, feldspar, and lime. 

At the beginning of the 20th century Hogback Township experienced an economic boom.  The rail line was extended from Rosman making the area much more accessible, the Toxaway River was dammed creating Lake Toxaway, and the exclusive Toxaway Inn was constructed.  This brought income producing jobs to the area through construction and then the tourism industry.  In addition Joseph Silversteen, Carl Moltz, and other brought lumbering jobs to the area in the early and mid-1900s.

The population of Hogback Township steadily grew, reaching 206 households with 939 residents by the time of the 1940 U.S. Census.  Most of the growth was in the upper portion of the township along Hwy 64 and around Lake Toxaway though.  Even after the dam broke and the inn closed in 1916 that portion of the township experienced growth.

The Boyanee and Auger Hole regions continued to be sparsely populated.  Beginning in the 1940s Duke Power and Crescent Resources acquired much of the area.  This would lead to the creation of Lake Jocasse at the junction of the Toxaway and Whitewater rivers in 1973.   Today the southern portion of Hogback Township includes Gorges State Park, the federally designated Wild and Scenic Horsepasture River, the Toxaway Game Lands, and national forest lands.

Photographs and information for this column are provided by the Rowell Bosse North Carolina Room, Transylvania County Library.  Visit the NC Room during regular library hours (Monday-Friday) to learn more about our history and see additional photographs.  For more information, comments, or suggestions contact Marcy at or 828-884-1820.

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