Monday, November 2, 2015

BC Started During Great Depression

Brevard College got its start during the Great Depression.  Although times were tough the institution had big dreams.

Almost immediately there was a need for additional space.  Plans included a new women’s dorm, a science building, a library and an infirmary.

Construction of the Brevard College rock wall in 1937.
One of the first building projects was the stone wall along the west and south sides of the campus.  Students collected the river rock and WPA funds were used to hire workers.  The wall created a boundary along the football and baseball fields.  

The school's first gymnasium, located east of the athletic fields, was completed in 1939.   As mentioned in a previous article, this was built with mainly student labor.

The old Breese home, known as Virginia Lodge, and the Little Biddie Coop were used to house girls for several years beginning in 1935.   

In early 1941 Brevard College had an enrollment of approximately 400 students but the facility was considered sub-standard.  It was believed that Brevard could not meet the need for upgrades and investment.  Relocating the junior college and converting it to a 4-year college designed on a self-help model where students were trained and worked in industry and agriculture was proposed.  

The Western North Carolina conference of the Methodist Church agreed instead to develop the Brevard location.  The citizens of Brevard, Transylvania County and surrounding counties began a campaign to raise the funds required.

As the U.S. entered WWII and large numbers of young men entered into military service Brevard College made changes to assist with training citizens.  In September 1940 a Civilian Pilot Training Program was created.  In 1943 the program was renamed Civil Aeronautics Administration War Training Service.  It included 240 hours of ground school study.  Flight training was held at Meyer Flying Service in Hendersonville.

With fewer male students enrolled, the girls were now able to use Taylor Hall as a dormitory.   This provided temporary relief for the housing shortage on campus.  The 1944 annual lists just 56 seniors, only six were boys.  

Brevard College housing for WWII veterans.
By 1947 enrollment had boomed to nearly 500, including a small number of post-graduate students and a class of pre-college students.  Approximately 50% of the student body consisted of veterans.  As boys returned to college in record numbers temporary housing was built.  Four new two-story, barracks style dorms of wood construction were erected to house 200 men.

By the late 1940s, with enrollment back up, growth was on the horizon.  Next week’s article will look at the college’s building boom begun in 1948.

Photographs and information for this column are provided by the Rowell Bosse North Carolina Room, Transylvania County Library.  Visit the NC Room during regular library hours (Monday-Friday) to learn more about our history and see additional photographs.  For more information, comments or suggestions contact Marcy at or 828-884-3151 X242.

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